Director-choreographer Mukaram Avakhri and the soloists of the Astana Ballet Theatre address the theme of the spiritual connection of times. Through dance, self-immersion takes place, and from here comes the author’s message to find answers about who we are and what we are here for. Incredible musical rhythms, expressive costumes and the skills of talented artists will create an atmosphere that allows the audience to immerse themselves in the sacral world of dance.
“The Wedding” to the music of Igor Stravinsky, will reveal to you the secret thoughts and feelings of the newlyweds, when the wedding becomes not just a celebration, but a profound ritual. This year marks the 101st anniversary of Stravinsky’s ballet The Wedding, and we are rediscovering the world of his messages and revelations.
“QASH” is a reflection on the fact that culture does not fit into the prescribed framework, it is always in motion. The histories of nations are not written once and for all, it is an eternal improvisation, every moment of which is filled with meaning. In this part, the composition “Le Retour de Molla Nasr’din” by Chemirani band and the vocal part by Mushtari Islamova are played. The artistic concept was developed by Guzel Zakir.
“Rukh” to the music of Abylay Abilkasymuly and the Bugarabu band, as well as the vocal part of Venera Urazbekova, immerses the audience in the atmosphere of bygone eras. In this miniature you will feel the connection of the times and see how modernity is intertwined with images of the past and the lost. The contrast, which sometimes seems incompatible, enhances the effect of an exciting time travel.